

Enjoy fresh winter essentials!

It’s a time when a hearty meal is much more appealing than a salad and we’ve put together some thoughts on how you can keep yourself and your family as healthy as possible, particularly now with  a worse than usual flu season and COVID still everywhere.

It’s important now more than ever that we look after ourselves and seek out new ways of boosting our immunity and keeping healthy. Winter superfoods are an affordable place to start, giving you the natural vitamins from seasonal produce that will help strengthen your immune system and can help ward away the latest cold and flu.

Ginger: Used for centuries to improve digestion, soothe upset stomachs and boost immunity, eating ginger is one of the best natural ways to fight off or recover from the many illnesses that circulate during the winter months. A little ginger does go a long way, so don’t be afraid to add some to your afternoon tea or weeknight stir fries for an incredible flavour hit.

Winter squash: Did you know that winter squash is full of fibre, magnesium, beta carotene, vitamins C and B6? Not to mention, eating it may help decrease your blood pressure and cholesterol and can leave your skin looking radiant all season long – we’re sold! But the good news doesn’t end there – winter squash is super easy to cook with! Simply dice, season, and roast for a flavour-packed side, enjoy halved and stuffed with wild rice, or blend the roasted squash to create a base for creamy butternut squash soup –delicious.

Brussels sprouts: This nutrient dense super veg contains more than a whopping 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamins C and K and is a fantastic source of fibre, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, and iron – we say that’s pretty impressive! Mix up your sprout game this winter and try these little greens wrapped in bacon, roasted with cranberries, skewered on the BBQ, in a salad, added to your favourite pasta dish or candied to crispy perfection.

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