

Visit us and Eat the Rainbow. Palm Beach Farmers’ Market

Eating a variety of colourful foods is not only visually appealing, it’s good for you too. Fruits and vegetables get their colour from phytochemicals, compounds that give plants their vibrant hue as well as their taste and aroma.

Over the next couple of weeks we’ll be highlighting different coloured foods.   Today it’s Red and Orange.

Red fruits and vegetables are often rich in various phytonutrients that have numerous health benefits including helping prevent some cancers and promoting healthy skin. Examples of red foods include tomatoes, watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, red capsicum and beetroot.

All the above produce is in season here in S.E. Queensland and is available for you from all our farm producers.

Orange foods are packed with beta-carotene which is converted to Vitamin A in the body.  Vitamin A helps maintain healthy eyesight and a strong immune system.   Carrots, sweet potatoes, oranges, apricots, mangoes and pumpkin are excellent sources of this nutrient. They also provide a good amount of Vitamin C and fibre.   While oranges are renowned for their high Vitamin C content – a single orange can provide more than 100% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C – they also contain a variety of antioxidants  which help protect cells from damage. This means they can also support heart health and reduce inflammation.

All the above produce is in season here in S.E. Queensland and is available for you from all our farm producers


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