

Pop in and enjoy Palm Beach Farmersโ€™ Markets this Saturday 13 Jan 2023๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿซ‘๐Ÿฅ’


What unbelievable ‘welcome back’ย weekends we’ve experienced at Palm Beach Farmers’ Market from all our loyal market lovers since the Christmas break, even with the stress from savage storms and thousands of households losing power.ย  The crowds were huge and there were SOLD OUT signs everywhere, even though there were lots of stallholders absent from the market after working flat out to provide all the delicious fresh produce, foods and goodies for their customers.

Some Stallholders have taken some time off to recharge their batteries, some were replenishing their soil and replanting for this season and next, some were entertaining their visiting families and friends and some were interstate and overseas on a well-earned holiday.

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